Centre for Shared Use of the Electron Microscope and Laser Sedimentograph of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Center for collective use of scientific equipment

Information about the equipment request

The name of the equipment
Horiba LA-960 laser diffraction particle size analyser with Powder Jet dry feed system and Visualisation Module (Horiba Ltd., Japan)
Estimated cost
128.68 thousands of euros
Functional purpose of the equipment
Study of the particle size distribution and related properties of formation units with prospects for critical and strategic mineral raw materials and other different types of geological formations to solve fundamental and applied problems of geology, lithology, mineralogy, engineering geology, materials science, etc.
Motivation of the need for equipment
Profound modernisation of the particle size analysis system (analysis of particle size and shape distributions) by purchasing a Horiba LA-960 particle size analyser. The requested laser particle size analyser, in addition to other new features, is characterised by a wider measurement range (0.01-3000 µm) compared to the Mastersizer-2000 sedimentograph currently installed in the laboratory. Thus, it will significantly expand the possibilities for measuring structural features / particle size distribution of various types of geological formations and other substances and materials.