Center of collective employment of research equipment «Laboratory of experimental and applied physics»
Center for collective use of scientific equipment
The list of available orders for equipment of the CCUSE
73.15 thousands of euros
Qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor elements in a wide variety of sample types - from oils and liquids to solids, metals, polymers, powders, pastes, coatings and thin films
The main purpose of purchasing this device is to perform high-precision studies of the structure of substances of different aggregate states (solids and liquids), qualitative and quantitative analysis of their chemical composition, as well as to find out the nature of these features in order to purposefully change physical and chemical properties to produce materials that meet the needs of various industries (chemistry, physics, medicine, pharmacy, biology, etc.), including defence.
192.50 thousands of euros
High-precision studies of the surface structure of solids and the elemental composition of the surface.
The main objective is to study the surface condition of solid materials (defects and homogeneity) in order to determine their suitability for use in devices of various functional purposes
57.50 thousands of euros
Study of the mechanical properties of solid materials in a wide range of loads (from 980.7mN to 490.3N) in automatic mode.
The main goal is to study the mechanical properties of solids, in particular the photoplastic effect in superionic crystals, as elements of protective coating materials, as well as to ensure quality control of various special-purpose structural materials that are promising for use in various sectors of the defence industry.