Materials science of refractory compounds and composites
Center for collective use of scientific equipment

Information about the equipment request

The name of the equipment
Optical emission spectrometer M500F
Estimated cost
59.00 thousands of euros
Functional purpose of the equipment
Analysis of alloys and metals based on: Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Ni, Ti, Mg, Co, etc. (+ in-house calibrations on customer samples)<br /> Analysis of the content of elements in the iron base: C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ni, Mo, Al, Cu, Co, Ti, Nb, V, W, Pb, Mg, B, Sn, Zn, As, Bi, Zr, La, Ca, Ce, Sb, N, Te
Motivation of the need for equipment
The determination of chemical composition in metals and alloys requires modern and highly efficient equipment. The M5000 optical emission spectrometer is a compact benchtop analyzer of the latest generation<br /> of the latest generation. It is based on the most advanced CCD emission optical spectral analysis technology with spark excitation of the sample, using DSP and ARM processors. It combines high performance, accuracy, reliability and ease of use.<br /> A programmable spark source, optimized optical system, automatic spectrum correction, and a reliable spark table allow for reliable and fast results. The equipment complies with ISO 9001, IEC 6100-4-4 standards