Center for the collective use of scientific equipment «LABORATORY OF ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE AND NATURE MANAGEMENT»
Center for collective use of scientific equipment

Information about the equipment request

The name of the equipment
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
Estimated cost
224.55 thousands of euros
Functional purpose of the equipment
An atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) is an important tool in analytical chemistry used to determine the amount of certain chemical elements in samples. The functional purpose of this device is to accurately measure the absorption of light by atoms or ions of elements in the sample.<br /> <br /> The main work of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer is based on the phenomenon of atomic absorption, when the atoms of the element under consideration absorb light of certain wavelengths. This absorption capacity depends on the concentration of the element in the sample. AAS can measure element concentrations at very low concentrations, making it indispensable for various fields such as medicine, agrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and others.<br /> <br /> The main functions of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer include:<br /> <br /> Quantitative analysis: AAS allows the precise determination of the concentration of a specific chemical element in a sample, which is necessary for quality control, research and other analytical tasks.<br /> <br /> Qualitative analysis: The increased specificity of AAS allows determining the presence of certain elements in a sample, which helps in the identification of substances and the detection of impurities.<br /> <br /> Multi-element analysis: Some modern AAS models can simultaneously analyze several elements in a sample, making them very efficient for complex studies.<br /> <br /> Low sample volume requirement: AAS can work with very small sample volumes, saving materials and simplifying sample preparation.<br /> <br /> High sensitivity and precision: These characteristics make AAS an indispensable tool for research where it is necessary to measure even the smallest concentrations of elements
Motivation of the need for equipment
The main purpose of purchasing this equipment is to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis of various substances, including metals and their compounds in various materials. This is necessary to ensure a high level of quality control of products manufactured by our company.<br /> Based on an analysis of our current work and needs for analytical equipment, we have determined that existing analytical tools do not meet our needs for high-precision and rapid measurement of metal levels. Existing methods do not provide sufficient sensitivity and accuracy. This leads to delays in the quality control process and can cause losses due to the release of low-quality products.<br /> We have conducted a thorough marketing research on the analytical equipment market and found that Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers meet our needs best. They provide high sensitivity, accuracy and speed of metal analysis in various samples. Many competing companies are already successfully using this equipment to maintain high standards of quality and production efficiency.<br /> In our plan for the development of TsKKNO, we envisage expanding our capabilities in the field of analysis and quality control. The acquisition of an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer fits into this plan, as it will allow us to raise the bar for the quality of our services, providing more accurate and faster analysis results.<br /> in addition, the use of the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer will increase our competitiveness in the market, providing customers with the highest quality products and services. It will also increase trust in our organization among partners and consumers. Thus, the purchase of this equipment corresponds not only to current needs, but also to the strategic direction of our Center's development