Center for the collective use of scientific equipment «LABORATORY OF ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE AND NATURE MANAGEMENT»
Center for collective use of scientific equipment

Information about the equipment request

The name of the equipment
Alpha, beta, gamma radiation dosimeter-radiometer
Estimated cost
5.25 thousands of euros
Functional purpose of the equipment
Dosimeter for measurement of contamination, dose, dose rate, measurement of radioactive contamination of food and liquids
Motivation of the need for equipment
1. Main Purpose: The main purpose of purchasing the alpha, beta, gamma radiation dosimeter is to provide safe and effective measurement of radiation levels, contamination and doses to ensure the safety of personnel and research at the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment.<br /> 2. Confirmation of the need to purchase equipment: The presence of relevant regulatory norms that require measurement and control of the radiation environment creates an objective need to purchase a dosimeter-radiometer. In addition, the high sensitivity and accuracy of this equipment makes it an important tool for security in various fields such as medicine, science, industry, etc.<br /> 3. Conducted marketing research: Marketing research confirms the growing demand for dosimeters-radiometers due to the growing awareness of radiation risks and the need for appropriate control measures. Research also points to the importance of high accuracy and reliability of such equipment.<br /> 4. The availability of this equipment in the development plan of the Center for the collective use of scientific equipment: The introduction of a dosimeter-radiometer into the arsenal of the Center's equipment will ensure the possibility of conducting additional research and experiments that require control of radiation levels. This will expand the range of services provided by the Center and ensure more complete satisfaction of users' needs.<br /> 5. Etc.: The purchase of equipment will allow the Center for the collective use of scientific equipment to maintain high standards of safety and quality in the provision of services, contributing to the further development of research activities and innovations in various fields. It will also increase the Center's competitiveness in the market of scientific services and attract new users.