Materials science of refractory compounds and composites
Center for collective use of scientific equipment
The list of available orders for equipment of the CCUSE
205.00 thousands of euros
Investigation of micro, nanostructure and local chemical composition of metal, ceramic, polymer, composite and organic materials
The service life of the only scanning electron microscope available at the CSCNI to control the microstructure of materials, according to the device's passport data, is 10 years. It has been in operation for 16 years and has performed more than 150 thousand experiments.
125.00 thousands of euros
Study of the chemical composition of metals and alloys
The chemical composition equipment available at the CCCNR does not allow for the measurement of metals and alloys, as it does not have the ability to determine the content of light elements (carbon, oxygen, boron, etc.). The absence of this capability does not allow for adequate research to identify most of the alloys that are actively used by industry
800.00 thousands of euros
Measurement of mechanical characteristics of metal, ceramic, polymer and composite materials in the temperature range of 20℃-1600℃. Possibility of tensile, bending, compression, and creep tests in the specified temperature range
This equipment is not available in any scientific or commercial institutions in Ukraine. Research in a wide range of temperatures is essential for both industrial enterprises in the rocketry industry and scientific institutions.