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Total: 53

Request ID: req.m61cvn
Estimated cost

29.00 thousands of euros


Core Facilities Centre of Scientific Equipment "Technecological safety of the Carpathians"

Functional purpose of the equipment

Research on the accuracy of machining parts will be carried out during the implementation of projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, postgraduate students and undergraduates. MICRON is a new conceptual portable articulating measuring machine designed to achieve precision measurement accuracy with maximum ease of use. MICRON features a lightweight handle and extremely smooth probe movements in all directions. It is ideal for inspection with touch probes, highly accurate and easy to use. The 5-axis arm design allows easy access to the most complex product contours. The base of the MICRON CMM is designed for mounting on a tripod with wheels, which is adjustable in height and equipped with a shelf for installing a laptop. The CMM can be mounted directly on a table, on a heavy plate, or on metal cutting equipment.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The need to purchase the MICRON 250 coordinate measuring machine is due to the need to measure dimensions after various types of machining and hardening of parts, including for dual-purpose products. Accurate measurements are an integral part of scientific activities in mechanical engineering, surface engineering, environmental engineering, etc. In addition, precise dimensioning of parts is in demand among industry representatives for product quality control. Market research shows that there are no such devices in the western region of Ukraine and IFNTUOG, which hinders the creation of competitive scientific and technical products. The availability of such equipment will facilitate the development of the Centre for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment and provide the possibility of providing paid services to different consumers.

Request ID: req.c225d4
Estimated cost

7.50 thousands of euros


Core Facilities Centre of Scientific Equipment "Technecological safety of the Carpathians"

Functional purpose of the equipment

Conducting temperature tests of petroleum products and fuels: determination of the flow point and pour point (solidification) of petroleum products in accordance with GOST 20287; determination of cloud, chilling and freezing points of motor fuels (aviation petrol, jet and diesel fuels) in accordance with GOST 5066-Method B (ISO 3013).

Motivation of the need for equipment

Determination of commercial characteristics of petroleum products and fuels.

Request ID: req.vtd8qe

Request ID: req.kww35p
Estimated cost

192.50 thousands of euros


Center of collective employment of research equipment «Laboratory of experimental and applied physics»

Functional purpose of the equipment

High-precision studies of the surface structure of solids and the elemental composition of the surface.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The main objective is to study the surface condition of solid materials (defects and homogeneity) in order to determine their suitability for use in devices of various functional purposes

Request ID: req.pssw6j
Estimated cost

57.50 thousands of euros


Center of collective employment of research equipment «Laboratory of experimental and applied physics»

Functional purpose of the equipment

Study of the mechanical properties of solid materials in a wide range of loads (from 980.7mN to 490.3N) in automatic mode.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The main goal is to study the mechanical properties of solids, in particular the photoplastic effect in superionic crystals, as elements of protective coating materials, as well as to ensure quality control of various special-purpose structural materials that are promising for use in various sectors of the defence industry.

Request ID: req.m6dhy5
Estimated cost

5.00 thousands of euros


Center of collective employment of research equipment «Laboratory of experimental and applied physics»

Functional purpose of the equipment

Study of the propagation speed and attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic waves in crystalline materials.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The main goal is to determine the acousto-optical parameters of solids in order to find materials that are most effective for creating active elements of modulators and deflectors of optical radiation that can be used in military equipment.

Request ID: req.kwvd3g
1. X-ray fluorescence analyzer.<br /> 2. X-ray diffractometer.<br /> 3. A modern complex for electrochemical research based on the AUTOLAB PGSTAT 302N potentiostat/galvanostat.<br /> 4. Nanoindentor.
Estimated cost

177.00 thousands of euros


Functional purpose of the equipment

X-ray fluorescence analyzer - for rapid and precise analysis of the elemental composition of materials.<br /> X-ray diffractometer - for conducting research at high temperatures, establishing the phase composition and fine (crystallite) structure of materials.<br /> A modern complex for electrochemical research based on the AUTOLAB PGSTAT 302N potentiostat/galvanostat - for conducting impedance electrochemical spectroscopy, studying corrosion resistance and electrocatalytic activity of new electrode materials, sorption-desorption of hydrogen by nanocomposite materials, etc.<br /> Nanoindenter - for determining the spectrum of mechanical characteristics (nanohardness, modulus of elasticity, etc.) of thin layers or small areas of the surfaces of the materials under investigation with the application of small forces and movements.

Motivation of the need for equipment

Expanding the spectrum of the Center's equipment, which is related to the study of the surface and nanostructure of materials of various functional uses.

Request ID: req.q5ck0x
Estimated cost

1830.00 thousands of euros


Centre for Shared Use of the Electron Microscope and Laser Sedimentograph of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Functional purpose of the equipment

SEM JSM-IT700HR application to establish morphological features at the micro and nanoscale; microanalysis system application to determine and interpret the chemical composition (macro- and microelements) of various geological formations, in particular, the 200 nm diameter zone, which will significantly exceed the capabilities of the existing equipment and expand the Centre's capabilities.

Motivation of the need for equipment

Application of the SEM JSM-IT700HR to establish morphological features at the micro and nanoscale; usage of the microanalysis system to determine and interpret the chemical composition (macro- and microelements) of various geological formations, in particular, the 200 nm diameter zone, which will significantly exceed the possibilities of the existing equipment and expand the Centre's possibilities.

Request ID: req.kwgdk1
Estimated cost

128.68 thousands of euros


Centre for Shared Use of the Electron Microscope and Laser Sedimentograph of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Functional purpose of the equipment

Study of the particle size distribution and related properties of formation units with prospects for critical and strategic mineral raw materials and other different types of geological formations to solve fundamental and applied problems of geology, lithology, mineralogy, engineering geology, materials science, etc.

Motivation of the need for equipment

Profound modernisation of the particle size analysis system (analysis of particle size and shape distributions) by purchasing a Horiba LA-960 particle size analyser. The requested laser particle size analyser, in addition to other new features, is characterised by a wider measurement range (0.01-3000 µm) compared to the Mastersizer-2000 sedimentograph currently installed in the laboratory. Thus, it will significantly expand the possibilities for measuring structural features / particle size distribution of various types of geological formations and other substances and materials.

Request ID: req.ps2cnx
Estimated cost

65.50 thousands of euros


Centre for Shared Use of the Electron Microscope and Laser Sedimentograph of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Functional purpose of the equipment

Analysis of the composition of both solid and liquid samples (range of elements from Na to U), effectively expanding the Centre's functionality

Motivation of the need for equipment

Profound modernisation of the particle size distribution analysis system by purchasing a benchtop X-ray fluorescence analyser (XRF) for general elemental analysis. The device is compact and can be used in the field, has a low cost compared to similar devices, the range of elements from Na to U is extended compared to analogues