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Total: 53

Request ID: req.vtr8f5
Estimated cost

51.00 thousands of euros


Center for Collective Use of Scientific Instruments "Gas chromatography of geological objects fluids " of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Functional purpose of the equipment

It is planned to carry out analytical studies of the composition of gas and gas condensate in Ukrainian deposits to determine the prospects and methods of their exploitation, as well as the products of industrial processing of oil and gas condensate.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The use of the Shimadzu Nexis GC-2030ENGA1 natural gas analysis system allows three times to expand the range of compounds determined in comparison with the existing CCUI "Gas chromatography of geological objects fluids " of the NAS of Ukraine equipment. Its acquisition made it possible to carry out scientific research and quickly meet the needs of enterprises in the oil and gas complex of Ukraine.

Request ID: req.c2qgvj
Estimated cost

170.00 thousands of euros


Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Mechanical properties research"

Functional purpose of the equipment

Expansion of uniaxial tension tests, change of load speed during loading, possibility of endurance with a given load, improvement of measurement accuracy. Expansion of software capabilities in the processing of received data in accordance with modern regulatory documents.

Motivation of the need for equipment

As of today, Instron has discontinued support for both the software and the digital controller installed on our equipment. The main reason for discontinuing support for outdated electronics is due to the rapid development of the market of electronic components, which require adaptation of the design of boards and modules to a new, commercially available and more advanced element base of electronic components. For the further long-term successful operation of the center, it is necessary to modernize the equipment and software, namely - to replace the 8800 controller with a modern 8800MT controller

Request ID: req.q5kjk5
Estimated cost

700.00 thousands of euros


Center for Collective Development of Scientific Approaches “Molecular and crystalline structure of materials”

Functional purpose of the equipment

The XtaLAB Synergy-S diffraction system is modern equipment for studying the molecular and crystalline structure of chemical compounds.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The XtaLAB Synergy-S diffraction system is equipped with two microfocus radiation sources and a HyPix-Arc 100° detector with high resolution. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the time required to perform one measurement and at the same time obtain significantly better experimental results, which will significantly affect the efficiency of the Center's work.

Request ID: req.g8geyb
Estimated cost

407.66 thousands of euros


Equipment Sharing Center at the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Diagnostics of Semiconductor Materials, Structures and Devices".

Functional purpose of the equipment

The primary scientific and technical purpose of the modern system is to research and optimize the functional electrophysical and photovoltaic parameters of materials, structures, and microelectronic components of semiconductor devices at the micro level. The microwave photoconductivity detection system (MDPmap) is a compact, benchtop, non-contact testing and research instrument for spatial micro-mapping of electrical parameters for offline process control and/or scientific research. The MDPmap is used for measuring carrier lifetime, photoconductivity, resistivity, and defect concentration as a function of the injected carrier density, both in steady-state and under short-pulse excitation up to 100 ns (μ-PCD). Integrating four different lasers into the MDPmap enables measurement of the carrier lifetime and photoconductivity over a very wide range of injected carrier densities.

Motivation of the need for equipment

Currently, Ukraine lacks a similar testing and diagnostic system for spatial micro-visualization and quantitative characterization of materials and electronic components of microelectronic devices. Moreover, the existing Soviet-era instruments for electrical measurements are morally and technically outdated and unsuitable for addressing technological and scientific challenges aimed at creating active elements of submicron-sized semiconductor microelectronics, particularly for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Specifically, for the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it is critically important for executing state and departmental projects related to the testing and diagnostic support of technological developments aimed at the practical production of infrared photodetector modules and 128x128 array elements based on narrow-band semiconductors for surveillance and targeting systems, as well as thermal imaging homing heads for high-precision weaponry (ATGMs, MANPADS, missiles of various classes).

Request ID: req.c288e1
Estimated cost

74.34 thousands of euros


CCUSE "Laboratory of biosafety, quality of food products and food safety"

Functional purpose of the equipment

For the dynamic formation of the image of particles, and obtaining an idea of ​​the dispersion of particles

Motivation of the need for equipment

The Particle Insight Shape Module is coupled in series with the Liquid Dispersion Module of the Mastersizer 3000 Particle Size Analyzer. The module complements the laser diffraction particle size data results of the Mastersizer 3000 analyzer and provides particle size distribution information to the particle images. , their quantitative data, data on the shape of particles. The advantages of this module include the provision of high-speed dynamic imaging technology with high resolution: a digital camera with a speed of up to 127 FPS and a resolution of up to 5 MP, obtaining images of individual particles and liquid dispersions of particles from 1 to 800 μm, the ability to create thumbnails of images, their save for review after run, obtain quantitative data on particle size and shape, including data on particle width and elongation.

Request ID: req.q5zatr
Estimated cost

31.95 thousands of euros


CCUSE "Laboratory of biosafety, quality of food products and food safety"

Functional purpose of the equipment

For a deeper understanding of the processes and transformations that occur during the analysis of particles of powder materials and particles of suspensions

Motivation of the need for equipment

The acquisition of the BeVision M1 automatic image scanning system will complement the existing Mastersizer 3000 particle size analyzer with dry and wet dispersion modules and enable high-resolution analysis of particle morphology.<br /> The system is equipped with a microscope, programmable motorized stage, autofocus function and high resolution CMOS. The device can capture and recognize each individual particle, automatically combining the images into a large overview image.<br /> Features and advantages include a wide range of measurements: 1 - 10,000 μm, compliance with the ISO 9276-6 standard, high reproducibility of measurements, the presence of a stage with high positioning accuracy, the presence of 24 different parameters of particle size and shape.<br /> The BT-910 dry powder dispersion module is used to prepare samples before measurements. The module is designed for rapid dispersion of dry powder samples and subsequent analysis of particle size and shape using BeVision M1. This module can disperse both coarse and brittle materials under controlled conditions without any particle damage, providing an efficient and reproducible method of sample dispersion. It is suitable for various applications. Application occurs without additional reagents, with uniform application of the material on the glass slide.

Request ID: req.pstwps
Estimated cost

34.32 thousands of euros


CCUSE "Laboratory of biosafety, quality of food products and food safety"

Functional purpose of the equipment

Spectrophotometer CM-5 is designed to measure color by color parameters (L*, a*, b*) of all surfaces of solid materials, powders, pastes, liquids, granules, food products and ingredients, the surface of packaging materials, biopolymer films and gels, determining the freshness of products during storage. Kolov is an indicator of quality and safety, which is directly dependent on the quality of raw materials, recipe components and the type of technological factors influencing the food product.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The need for measurements is related to the variety of parameters that require analytical monitoring in the food laboratory, where color is the only directly obvious indicator of quality, and deserves due attention through objective and repeatable measurement of raw materials, production processes and the final product.<br /> These researches will contribute to the reduction of waste, allow to detect spoilage of products, control the quality of ingredients, and technological processes at all stages of production. This will allow to investigate the influence of storage conditions, thermal effects on the quality and safety of food products, will allow to control and adapt to prevent unwanted changes that lead to increased losses and waste. Depending on the sample, the CM-5 spectrophotometer can perform a variety of color measurement functions, measuring color samples by reflectance or transmittance with the ability to set tolerances for each measurement.

Request ID: req.vt180a
Estimated cost

112.00 thousands of euros


Microscopic and spectroscopic methods for solids research

Functional purpose of the equipment

To obtain high-quality images of samples with scanning electron microscopy(SEM) , non-conductive samples need to be conductive to avoid charging.

Motivation of the need for equipment

This equipment will help improve functional materials research on main science topics of the Institute for single crystals

Request ID: req.q5m8g7
Scanning electron microscope JSM-IT700HR
Estimated cost

545.00 thousands of euros


Functional purpose of the equipment

The main purpose of the specified electron microscope is to conduct research on various objects, where it is necessary to obtain images (mostly) of the surface with high resolution, as well as information about the chemical composition, structure and some other properties.

Motivation of the need for equipment

The issue of re-equipment of the CCUEM with a new generation scanning electron microscope (SEM) is urgent, since the JSM-6060 LA SEM available in the center is running out of resources, does not function due to the failure of a specific computer that is responsible for the operation and control of the device. Based on the marketing analysis, the most acceptable version of the latest SEM, which would provide a level that meets international standards, could be the JSM-IT700 HR model from JEOL, Tokyo, Japan, costing 600 thousand US dollars (545 thousand EUR). However, the representation of the central office of the Geol company is inclined to the opinion that the supply of the device may be problematic at the moment due to the armed Russian aggression against Ukraine. Alternative models of SEM with similar technical characteristics could be considered Quattro ESEM devices manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sigma 500 by ZEISS with a cost of 650 thousand US dollars (590 thousand EUR), a commercial offer for one of which, if necessary, will be provided.

Request ID: req.vbwf5s
Estimated cost

72.00 thousands of euros


Laboratory "Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography""

Functional purpose of the equipment

Allows to study nanomaterials and dispersed systems, namely, to analyze the size of particles in the range from 0.5 nm to 10 μm in aqueous and organic media, to determine molecular mass (0.9 kDa - 20 kDa) and Z-potential (-500 mV to +500 mV).

Motivation of the need for equipment

To characterize nanoparticles for the purpose of their practical application